United States

About Bridge Systems

Inventor of the Bridgemate wireless scoring system


About us

Based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Bridge Systems BV is a global leading provider of wireless scoring solutions for bridge clubs, bridge tournaments and national bridge organisations (NBOs) as well as the World Bridge Federation and other zonal bridge organisations. Our innovative and reliable scoring solutions enable bridge clubs and tournaments to organise their events more efficiently and with less effort and result in more enjoyable games for their players.

Company history

Bridge Systems was founded in 1999 and took its headquarters in Rotterdam, the logistic hub of the Netherlands and mainport to Europe. The first generation Bridgemate scoring system was introduced in The Netherlands in the summer of 2000 and gained popularity rapidly. Being a revolutionary product, clubs were enthousiastic about this new way of scoring and within the first 18 months nearly 200 clubs embraced the Bridgemate technology in The Netherlands alone. The years thereafter showed a tremendous growth and in 2004 the 500th club using Bridgemate was welcomed in The Netherlands.

In 2005, a new version of the Bridgemate was released and this model was introduced in many European countries as well as other continents like Asia and Australia. A world-wide network of distributors was set up to market and support the Bridgemate system locally in all major bridge markets. Another landmark was reached the same year when the European Bridge League and the World Bridge Federation acquired together the Bridgemate Pro scoring system to score all official European and World events with Bridgemate. Ever since, Bridgemate has been a reliable and trustworthy companion for these organisations and Bridgemate is now the official scoring system of both the EBL and WBF. Following the success at the world's highest bridge level, many national bridge organisations have acquired Bridgemate and successfully score their championships with this popular technology.

Early 2010, the Bridgemate II was introduced as a complete redesign of the Bridgemate Pro system. The Bridgemate II became an instant success and many new users were welcomed all over the world as well as existing users who upgraded from the Bridgemate Pro to the Bridgemate II system. Since then, both Bridgemate II and Bridgemate Pro are available which offers a choice between a high-end product as well as a more economical solution.

As of now, Bridgemate is used by more than 4,500 clubs in 65+ countries on all continents of the world. Fifty NBOs have acquired the Bridgemate system and about half a million bridge players enjoy the benefits and userfriendliness of the Bridgemate system on a regular basis. Building on this success, Bridge Systems is strongly committed to its dedicated group of users and will continue to do all efforts to ensure Bridgemate delivers the best possible user experience at the bridge table.